Locks of Love is probably the most well-known wig charity. Many believe that the wigs created by Locks of Love are given to children with cancer. I too was under this misconception! Locks of Love wigs go to kids with long-term hair loss. Children with conditions such as Alopecia who will never grow their natural hair again are given first priority. Since most children who undergo chemotherapy will be able to grow their own hair again, a very limited number of these wigs made with human hair are given to children with cancer. But for anyone who has ever known anyone with Alopecia, this is a serious condition. It is so beneficial for these Childrens self esteem to have these wigs available to them.
Here are the guidelines for donating hair to Locks of Love:
* Hair must be at least 10" long in a ponytail or a braid
* Hair must be fresh, not from an old ponytail saved from years ago
* Hair from men and women, young and old, and all colors and races are needed
* Hair must not be bleached or over-processed
* Hair must be clean, dry, put in a plastic bag, and then in a padded envelope
Below is a Donation Form for Locks of Love:
Locks of Love Hair Donation Form
Please complete, print and send this form with your hair donation; you may remain anonymous if you wish. Please print legibly so we will be able to send you an acknowledgement. Please note, to receive an acknowledgement may take up to 90 days. If you are sending a photo with your donation please write your name, address, and phone number on the CD, disk, or back of the photo in addition to this completed form.
Please measure your ponytail(s) and write the length in inches on the outside of each clear re-sealable bag.
Your Information
Your Name: _______________________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________ Apt/Suite: ________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: _________ Zip: ____________ Country: __________________ Age (If Minor): ______ Daytime Phone: ____________ How did you find us? _________________________________________________
Today's Date: ____________________________________________________
If you would like to make a financial donation, please complete the following section also. I would like to donate... $25 $50 $75 $100 Other: ________
I would like to sponsor a Locks of Love child for $1,000!
We gladly accept these (check one): Visa Master Card Check Credit Card Number: ___________________________________ Exp Date: _____________ Name on Credit Card: ______________________________________
Locks of Love – 2925 10th Avenue North, Suite 102 – Lake Worth, FL 33461 Phone (888) 896-1588 – Fax (561) 963-9914 – info@locksoflove.org