Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Q: How do I clean my flat-iron?
A: When the flat-iron is hot use a damp wash cloth to wipe down the appliance. If the build up is more resistant, let the iron cool down and use rubbing alcohol to completely wipe it down. Usually just a damp cloth on the hot iron will do the trick. You can do the same for curling irons. :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hair tips: I think I'm tapped out!
So after over one hundred and something postings on hair, I think I've run out of topics! LOL! So, here and there I will be posting things, especially after my training in August and October but until I am once again inspired... If anyone has questions I will continue to post the answers to those but until I blog next have a fabulous summer!!!:)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Hair tip of the week: Choose a color that is appropriate for the season!
The hair color that we wear in the winter wears a lot different than the hair color that we wear in the summer. There will be more color fadeage due to the sun, so redheads may want to go a more natural shade and save the vibrant shades when the sun won't be beating down on it as hard. Also, if you like to swim in the ocean, lake or swimming pool lay off of the fashion colors like orange, red, green, blue, etc. or you will leave a trail of dye behind you and running down on your face and body. If you are a blonde watch the swimming in the pool also because you may end up with green hair and not by choice! Getting regular semi-glosses will put a protective barrier on the hair. At the end of summer lo-lites will most likely be in order to give depth to sun-bleached hair. With the right decisions you will spend you summer having fun in the sun and water without any embarrasing repurcussions!:)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Will now be Hair tip of the Week!
I've been going strong with this daily blog for over 4 months now but life is getting a little too busy to keep it going daily. So this will now be a weekly blog that I can really think about and write one article a week on. Thanks for staying tuned and I hope that you continue to enjoy my blog!:)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hair tip of the day: When will the rain end?
It may be awhile before we get an actual Spring but in the mean time adding some "sun" to your hair can help your mood. Get those hilites going in your hair for some man-made Spring Time! It's amazing what a little lightening around the face can do!:)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Baking Soda!!!
If you use lots of hair spray, gel, and pomade (like I do) the hair gets a major build up on it after awhile. Clarifying shampoos are the best way to go for color treated hair but if you don't have any on hand and you aren't worried about your color fading then a little baking soda mixed in with your shampoo will get the job done! If you have color treated hair, it's best to wait until you have a color safe clarifying shampoo. But if you have a color scheduled soon or don't have color, then go for it! Just shampoo with some baking soda, leave on a few min., rinse and follow up with a great conditioner! Viola, the build up is GONE!!!:)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Collecting hair for Matter of Trust!
Weeks ago I had done a series of blogs on donating hair. One of the places was Matter of Trust. It's an organization that collects hair clippings to clean up oil spills. With the oil spill that is happening now, they need more hair then ever. We are collecting hair at Level 10 Studio now to send to them. If you aren't a client of mine and go to another salon, let your stylist know about this organization. Let all that unwanted hair go to a good use!:)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Perms!
Yesterday I only had time to text a brief blurb about perms, so today I'm getting down and dirty with perms. Personally I don't do perms because I wasn't liking the whole Barbara Streisand look from her guilty album that had been going on since the late 80's. People tended to not care for their perms well and didn't keep up with the maintenance required to make the perm look good. I was tired of seeing bad looking hair and decided I wouldn't continue to do perms that people weren't caring for. Perms don't equal: Not caring for your hair! There are products that are needed and ways to care for it depending on the look you want to achieve. I am now beginning to see that there are really fun things that can be done with perms! I may just begin perming again in 2010!
If you have very straight hair, following up your initial perm with a root perm is a MUST! Otherwise you end up with it straight at the root and curly on the ends. Not pretty. Usually a root perm will be done 2 to 3 months after the initial perm. People with natural waves can go a lot longer without getting it permed again. Even people with natural curly hair can benefit from a perm if their natural curl isn't consistent or if they want a tighter or a looser curl. And the perm can be done only in the area needed if it's a matter of one area of the hair not being curly enough.
Fine hair can really benefit from a perm but that doesn't mean that you just leave it looking like Richard Simmons. It means that when you blow it out with a brush it will have body. Perms DO NOT equal not doing anything with your hair. A perm that is left with nothing in it after a wash isn't pretty. Even a perm on really long hair needs products. If left to dry without product it'll be frizzy (just like a person with natural curls hair would be). Leave-in conditioner and curl creme is a must!!!
Perms can really support a style. I'm a huge fan of Afros. If someone wanted an Afro I'd perm their hair on teeny tiny old lady perm rods. Then it can be picked out to be a yummy fro!!! People that want mad volume on the top of their head can do a crown perm. Then when they blow dry that top area will say Vavoom! Mad volume!
Perms are just another service that should enhance what you want your hair to do. But I can not stress enough that it doesn't give anyone a license to not care for their hair! So if you perm, know that you still need to style and care for your hair!:)
If you have very straight hair, following up your initial perm with a root perm is a MUST! Otherwise you end up with it straight at the root and curly on the ends. Not pretty. Usually a root perm will be done 2 to 3 months after the initial perm. People with natural waves can go a lot longer without getting it permed again. Even people with natural curly hair can benefit from a perm if their natural curl isn't consistent or if they want a tighter or a looser curl. And the perm can be done only in the area needed if it's a matter of one area of the hair not being curly enough.
Fine hair can really benefit from a perm but that doesn't mean that you just leave it looking like Richard Simmons. It means that when you blow it out with a brush it will have body. Perms DO NOT equal not doing anything with your hair. A perm that is left with nothing in it after a wash isn't pretty. Even a perm on really long hair needs products. If left to dry without product it'll be frizzy (just like a person with natural curls hair would be). Leave-in conditioner and curl creme is a must!!!
Perms can really support a style. I'm a huge fan of Afros. If someone wanted an Afro I'd perm their hair on teeny tiny old lady perm rods. Then it can be picked out to be a yummy fro!!! People that want mad volume on the top of their head can do a crown perm. Then when they blow dry that top area will say Vavoom! Mad volume!
Perms are just another service that should enhance what you want your hair to do. But I can not stress enough that it doesn't give anyone a license to not care for their hair! So if you perm, know that you still need to style and care for your hair!:)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Hair tip of the day: The best hair to perm!
Hair that has a even a slight amount of wave in it is best to perm. When it grows out it will wear longer & look more natural!:)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Hair tip of the day: The New Bang!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Tangles!
When combing out tangles always start from the ends of the hair and slowly work up towards the scalp. If the hair is really matted up (as is the case with children especially) start by rinsing the hair and applying conditioner only. A really thick, moisturizing conditioner will soften up the hair best. Rinse and then apply shine serum or my favorite product Moroccan Oil. This will make it easy for the comb to glide through those pesky knots. Once it's all combed out shampoo, condition and comb again. Viola! No more tears will accompany those tangles!:)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Dreadlocks!
Anyone can have dreadlocks! Even the finest, straightest baby hair! In the salon it's a process of sectioning out the hair, teasing it and coating it with bee's wax. The maintence at home is all about continuing to twist them and coat them. The only thing with dreads is that they have to be cut out if you ever want to be rid of them. So prepare to have a short cut once you want a change!:)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Fun with wet hair Part II!
Get some of those pink foam rollers that your Mom used on your hair as a kid and set your slightly damp hair on them. Use big hunks of hair (that is why you only want it slightly damp) and you'll have a much softer curl. The difference between hot rollers and wet set rollers is extreme. You'll be able to brush and brush and style and style and that curl won't be going anywhere! You can have a really fun ponytail if you have longer hair! Gidget Style!:)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Fun to be had with Wet hair styling Part 1!
Before going to bed, shampoo and condition your hair. Blot excess moisture out of the hair with a towel until hair is just barely damp. Do any where from 4 to more french braids in your hair, then twist each braid up into a swirly bun at the nape of your head and secure with criss-crossing bobby pins. In the morning. Take buns and braids out and finger through. You'll have a super fun wave to wear! Add a little pomade for definition and/or a little hairspray and off ya go! Strut that look!:)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Red Heads!
Reds are much more natural then they have ever been! It's not just the red, poured directly from the tube, and then poured directly onto the hair days. It's about reds with neutral and warm browns added to the mix. It's about reds that are very rich and natural. Forget the image of the 1990's Red Head. Think toned down reds that fade beautifully and never look fake. Speak with your stylist about options for your new red shade today!:)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Blondes!
Blondes need special care to keep their color true. Be careful when swimming that you wet hair with "good" water before immersing it in chlorine. Otherwise you'll be green by summer's end and it won't be a fashion choice. Having a gloss put on your ends monthly during the swim season is a great idea. It creates a barrier and will keep your color more true. Also BEWARE the shampoo and conditioner that is for Blondes. It can leave a very blue residue to the hair if used too often. This blueish hue is a definite no-no if you are wanting a more golden hue. Be sure and speak with your stylist about the products you wish to use. With just a little care your blonde will be fabulous throughout the summer and beyond!:)
Friday, May 14, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Brunettes!
If you're a Brunette & your ends are fading from the sun you can embrace those "hi-lites"! Have some lo-lites added to accentuate the natuarlly lightened pieces the next time that you get a tint touch up! When you tire of them, have a gloss put through the ends to darken them back up!:)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Book Your Summer Appointments Now!
Summer is creeping up! It'll be here before you know it and that means vacations, weddings, BBQ's, reunions and such. Don't be caught without an appointment! Check you calendar now and make sure that you are scheduled in your Stylists Book before a summer event! You want to look and feel your best, so call now!:)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Wigs!
Wigs can be a superb way of wearing different looks without changing your everyday style! Wigs come in all lengths, colors, and textures. They come in human hair and synthetic hair. Synthetic hair can not be flat ironed or curling ironed and a special shampoo must be used (some people swear by woolite!). Human hair can have anything done to it that your own hair can have done to it. The key to any wig is to have it cut to suit your face. Wigs come with extra hair around the face that is meant to be cut to customize to you. It will be thicker, longer and clumpier in this area for that reason. Take it to your Stylist to have it detailed and then rock that short blonde bob at this weekends shindig! :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Short is in!
Short cuts are hot for Summer (soon to come!)! Everyone can go short it's just about picking the shape that is best for your hair. Streaks of hilites or lolites really add to a short cut. Blocks of color add depth and texture to a cut. There are so many options for shorter haircuts. Anything goes! Pick and choose parts of many cuts to customize one that is just right for you!:)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Hair tip of the day: All Fashion Colors are not Created Equal!
There are a lot of Fashion Color lines out there and not all are good. Some don't have enough pigment to be intense enough. Some rub off on your pillow case or on a white shirt collar when dry. Some only rub off when wet. It's good to know what you can expect.
Some of the best colors that I have found rub off on my pillow case at night with my hair bone dry. This is okay for me, but it's not okay for everyone. I test out every brand of color that I use so that my clients will know what the results will be. Make sure that your stylist knows how the fashion color they use on you will be. Not only color wise but in how it fades and what it fades ON to. I am my own guinea pig! That way I know exactly the hue of green that I can expect and that my clients can expect. So when deciding to go with a pink streak or a full head of blue know what you are getting into. If you have long hair and always wear white, a blue that fades onto your white clothing when dry is no good! Happy Coloring!:)
Some of the best colors that I have found rub off on my pillow case at night with my hair bone dry. This is okay for me, but it's not okay for everyone. I test out every brand of color that I use so that my clients will know what the results will be. Make sure that your stylist knows how the fashion color they use on you will be. Not only color wise but in how it fades and what it fades ON to. I am my own guinea pig! That way I know exactly the hue of green that I can expect and that my clients can expect. So when deciding to go with a pink streak or a full head of blue know what you are getting into. If you have long hair and always wear white, a blue that fades onto your white clothing when dry is no good! Happy Coloring!:)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Don't Blame Mom for the Gray!
Although it's said that heredity is the main cause for how soon we go grey, it's not he only reason.
Age plays a huge part in the graying process and so does the amount of Melanin that we have in our systems to begin with. Initially in the growth process of humans, we all have white hair and then depending on the amount of melanin that our cells generate, it's determined how dark or light our hair will be. The more melanin, the darker the hair and the less melanin the lighter the hair. Harvard scientists proposed that a failure of melanocyte stem cells (MSC) to maintain the production of melanocytes could cause the graying of hair. So basically as we age the melanin stops producing and the gray/white hair reappears that we began with.
If you are deficient in B12 or suffer from a thyroid imbalance it can also cause your hair to go Gray. And smokers are 4 times as likely to go gray before non-smokers. Wow! Yet another reason not to smoke!
If you do want to prevent or reverse your gray hair there is a tablet called Melancor. This is a new product on the market and works in two ways. Firstly when you get gray hair you have a genetically based tendency to produce less melanin as body pigments. Melancor triggers Melanocytes which helps overcome this tendency by increasing you body’s ability to produce melanin pigments. I'm curious as to whether this works or not. I have always joked about how in the future hairstylist will dispense a pill that you can take to have your hair grow the color that one desires (red, brunette, blonde, etc.). Maybe the truth is that the pharmacist will dispense a pill to stop the graying process!
So remember, many factors weigh in as to why we go gray, so don't blame Mom! Especially on Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all! :)
Age plays a huge part in the graying process and so does the amount of Melanin that we have in our systems to begin with. Initially in the growth process of humans, we all have white hair and then depending on the amount of melanin that our cells generate, it's determined how dark or light our hair will be. The more melanin, the darker the hair and the less melanin the lighter the hair. Harvard scientists proposed that a failure of melanocyte stem cells (MSC) to maintain the production of melanocytes could cause the graying of hair. So basically as we age the melanin stops producing and the gray/white hair reappears that we began with.
If you are deficient in B12 or suffer from a thyroid imbalance it can also cause your hair to go Gray. And smokers are 4 times as likely to go gray before non-smokers. Wow! Yet another reason not to smoke!
If you do want to prevent or reverse your gray hair there is a tablet called Melancor. This is a new product on the market and works in two ways. Firstly when you get gray hair you have a genetically based tendency to produce less melanin as body pigments. Melancor triggers Melanocytes which helps overcome this tendency by increasing you body’s ability to produce melanin pigments. I'm curious as to whether this works or not. I have always joked about how in the future hairstylist will dispense a pill that you can take to have your hair grow the color that one desires (red, brunette, blonde, etc.). Maybe the truth is that the pharmacist will dispense a pill to stop the graying process!
So remember, many factors weigh in as to why we go gray, so don't blame Mom! Especially on Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all! :)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Platinum Blonde and Reds are back for Spring!
The two hot colors of the season are Platinum Blonde and Red! If you want to spice up your look but don't want all over color in one of these intense shades, there are other ways to work them in to your current look. Add some Blocks of color throughout your hair. If either of these seasons shades don't agree with your skin tone then do the blocks of color away from your face. Do them further back and they will still have all the pizazz but won't take away from the color that does appeal most to your skin tone. This is a great way to keep maintenance down too. Going all Platinum is MAJOR upkeep. You'll be looking at coming in for a bleach and tone every 2-3 weeks. But by doing some blocks of color you can come in every 5-8 weeks depending on placement and personal preference. So have some fun with the new trends in a new way!:)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Quickest & Cheapest way to add volume!
If you only have time to do one quick thing to add volume to your hair, then do this: Blow Dry!!! Just dry your hair with your hands! It's quick, it's easy & it makes a HUGE difference! When you let your hair air dry it'll be super flat (which is superb for curly hair). The moment that you add heat it plumps up those hair strands (yes, even without product). So if you can't afford a volumizing spray & you don't have time for a round brush, just blowdry with your hand & go!:)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Hair tip of the day: People's Opinions!
When getting a new hairdo it's best to KNOW that you want to make a change. If you are even a little unsure, people's opinions will matter to you. And then what suddenly was a good change will be a bad change. When I changed my hair to Orange and Green I wanted it that way. So whether people say "That is great!" or "Why did you do that???", it doesn't matter to me. I like what I did to my hair and that is all that matters. So if you are unsure with a change and you do it anyway, if anyone says anything contrary (and they will), you'll end up wanting to change it back. So, when making hair change decisions, do what you want and what you like reguardless of others opinions!:)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Don't choose your cut based on it staying out of your face when you work out!
I hear it all the time... "Make sure that when you cut it, it'll stay out of my face when I work out". "It" meaning the hair. What??? There are sweat bands, head bands, hats, clips, etc. to keep hair out of ones face. Why would you base your haircut on a work out instead of what looks good? I look like crap when I work out and that is the beauty of my work out look. Because when I'm not working out, my hair is fab!!! LOL! Seriously, choose the cut that looks best and worry about a way to keep it out of your face later. That is what sweat bands were made for by the way!:)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Beautiful White Hair!
Hanging out at Filoli every Tuesday has given me a chance to see many heads of all white hair. It looks beautiful but automatically I notice the hair and not the skin attached. I have come to the conclusion that if your skin is showing signs of serious aging, this isn't a bad thing but if one's skin looks young, maybe the white hair isn't the first thing that should be seen. White hair says "I'm of a certain age", even if it's beautiful. If you have all white hair and don't want that to be what it says, a rinse of blonde can be a low maintence and easy way to liven it up a bit. Just a little bit of blonde can keep people guessing as to how "young" you are!:)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Itchy Scalp!
Dry scalp can happen in any type of weather so it's nice to have a shampoo and conditioner on hand that can help! Therma Fuse Thermadan shampoo and conditioner is fantastic! It's got a peppermint tingle that really soothes! All Therma Fuse products are color safe and sulfate free. Nioxin is another brand that stimulates follicles and soothes itchy dry scalp as well. They have a color safe line as well. Nioxin scalp treatment is fantastic for sunburned scalp as well. It soothes and heals!:)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Flea Markets and Street Fairs!
Looking for a fabulous hair clip or accessory? Go to your local summer Flea Markets and Street Fairs! You'll find unique, well priced items made by local artists. Help the community and snag a piece of art for your hair! It's also a great time to buy a Holiday or Birthday gift for a friend or family member with longer locks!:)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Subtle changes make a big difference!
It doesn't take a HUGE adjustment of color or a cut to make a change. Even by staying with the same color but by going chunkier with the weave, it can add a difference that will jazz up your style. Instead of a blunt bang, having it texturized could zing it up for Spring. These small changes will make a difference without the shock of a big, big change!:)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Boho hair = Braids!
The sun is popping, we are deep into Spring and the Boho look always screams SUMMER! The best way to get that carefree beachy look is with braids. Braids are pretty and easy to do! They have that youthful look that says "I'm footloose and fancy free!", while at the same time saying "I'm hot!".

These braids are the 3 most common and all that you'll need to create numerous looks. They are (Starting from the top picture) The Simple Braid, The French Braid and the Fishtail Braid. Have you stylist put one in your hair during your next visit! Braids are stylish and keep the hair off of your face!:)

These braids are the 3 most common and all that you'll need to create numerous looks. They are (Starting from the top picture) The Simple Braid, The French Braid and the Fishtail Braid. Have you stylist put one in your hair during your next visit! Braids are stylish and keep the hair off of your face!:)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hair tip of the day: The best flowers to wear in your hair!
Yay for Weddings in the Spring! Flowers are in bloom and Bride's love to adorn there hair with them. Not all flowers can be worn successfully in the hair though. Some flowers wilt too quickly and just don't have the umfph needed to last in the hair. Here are the top 8 flowers that can withstand a day of festivities:
Wax Flower
Cymbidium orchid
Baby's Breath
Spray Rose
Asiatic lily
If real flowers cause you to sneeze like mad or if the flowers you want can't withstand a day in an updo, then go to a hobby store or on-line and check out the beautiful artificial flowers. The ones that they make today are so realistic that it will be hard for anyone to tell the difference between real and fake!
Happy Wedding Day and Happy Spring!:)

If real flowers cause you to sneeze like mad or if the flowers you want can't withstand a day in an updo, then go to a hobby store or on-line and check out the beautiful artificial flowers. The ones that they make today are so realistic that it will be hard for anyone to tell the difference between real and fake!
Happy Wedding Day and Happy Spring!:)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Evening up Sideburns!
Men, if in between cuts your sideburns need a little shortening, there is a trick to making sure that they are even. Don't ever go by your ears because everyone's ears are crooked. True story! We are not symmetrical beings. Choose one sideburn to shorten and then while looking in the mirror place your index finger directly at the bottom of where that sideburn ends. Now place your other index finger on the other sideburn straight across where a direct line would join the two. This is where you will cut the other sideburn. They will be even! :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Pigtails!
Pigtails aren't just for little girls! Worn down low they can be very chic on longer hair. On shorter hair they can be fun ratted to add more volume. It's a great alternative to the ponytail and for people who need hair around their face, the only option! So in any weather for a change of pace, sport a classic look with pigtails!:)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Protect your hair from swimming!
I don't swim because my ears get clogged, I burn and because I do everything I can to have my color not fade. But not everyone is that adament about keeping their hair color so pristine. When you do swim and have tint or hi-lites just do a few things to make it harder for the chlorine to penetrate. Even if you wear a swim cap it's best to hop in a shower and wet your hair (or dunk it in a sink) first. This ensures that the "good" water fills the hair cuticle so that the clorinated water can't. Then after swimming rinse well. Redken carries a swimmers line of hair care that is fantastic.
It leaves your hair soft and keeps it from fading (and turning green if you are a blonde). Now you can swim and have fabulous hair to boot! P.S. Don't forget to do a weekly Deep Conditioning!:)
It leaves your hair soft and keeps it from fading (and turning green if you are a blonde). Now you can swim and have fabulous hair to boot! P.S. Don't forget to do a weekly Deep Conditioning!:)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Protect your hair from the sun!
With the sunny weather comes sun damage on the hair. Whether you are hiking, cruising the outdoor mall or watching your kids soccer game, the sun is beaming down on your head and lightening your hair. It really wreaks havoc on brunettes and redheads, as they have a tendency to fade anyway. So protect your locks with a product that has sunscreen in it. Moroccan Oil is a fabulous product that adds shine & manageability to the hair while at the same time helps the hair to dry faster (when blow drying) and has a sunscreen in it. There are other lines that have sunscreen sprays as well, so ask your Stylist what they recommend. A hat is also a great way to protect your color. A little bit of preparation before hitting the rays can help you to get the most out of your color!:)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Get ready for a Formal Event!
Tis the Season of Proms and Weddings. Be prepared whether you are a Man or a Woman! Make sure that once you know that date of your Event that you book your hair appointment immediately. That way you will be sure to get the appointment on the day and time that you need.
For anyone that colors, set the appointment 1 to 2 weeks before hand. You want the color to be fresh but freeing up the week of the event is essential. That way you have time to get a massage, pedicure, etc. Haircuts, especially for Men are best 2 weeks before. This way it's crisp but not too newly cut and again it frees up the time right before THE BIG DAY. Sideburns and neck hair can be cleaned up a few days before if needed.
On the day of the event if you are getting an updo or style do not wash your hair. It's best to have a little natural grit in the hair. Washed the morning before is perfect, if you get really oily, it can be washed the evening before the style. Make sure to wear a button-down shirt or dress so that it can be easily removed without disrupting the hairstyle. If you are really concerned about the style being "perfect" it is a must to do a trial up-do. This will ensure that you are happy with the style that you have chosen and you can completely relax on the day because you already know what to expect.
An important side note: Please eat breakfast! Even if it a few bites of a muffin and some juice. There is nothing worse than fainting on the day of your Prom or Wedding. Fainting can lead to concussions and bruised facial parts! Soooo not pretty!
Lastly: No matter what, on the day of the Event, just ENJOY! Let everything that is gonna happen, happen... go with the flow... whatever doesn't go according to plan makes for a fabulous story later on!:)
For anyone that colors, set the appointment 1 to 2 weeks before hand. You want the color to be fresh but freeing up the week of the event is essential. That way you have time to get a massage, pedicure, etc. Haircuts, especially for Men are best 2 weeks before. This way it's crisp but not too newly cut and again it frees up the time right before THE BIG DAY. Sideburns and neck hair can be cleaned up a few days before if needed.
On the day of the event if you are getting an updo or style do not wash your hair. It's best to have a little natural grit in the hair. Washed the morning before is perfect, if you get really oily, it can be washed the evening before the style. Make sure to wear a button-down shirt or dress so that it can be easily removed without disrupting the hairstyle. If you are really concerned about the style being "perfect" it is a must to do a trial up-do. This will ensure that you are happy with the style that you have chosen and you can completely relax on the day because you already know what to expect.
An important side note: Please eat breakfast! Even if it a few bites of a muffin and some juice. There is nothing worse than fainting on the day of your Prom or Wedding. Fainting can lead to concussions and bruised facial parts! Soooo not pretty!
Lastly: No matter what, on the day of the Event, just ENJOY! Let everything that is gonna happen, happen... go with the flow... whatever doesn't go according to plan makes for a fabulous story later on!:)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Get out of your comfort zone!
Do something different with your hair at your next hair appointment. Just one itty-bitty little change. It's Spring and time for renewal! No bangs? Get a little fringe working! No layers? Add some! Put some hi-lites in your bangs, add a panel of a fun color underneath... it's hair and it should be fun! :)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Hair tip of the day: It's Earth Day!
Do something good for the earth today by starting with your daily shower. Be quick about it and don't wash your hair today. Hair styles itself so much better when it has a little natural grit in it. Don't be afraid to use your hairspray either. The bad ozone killers have long been removed from aerosol cans. Spray with confidence! Now that it took you less time to get ready this morning you can now go out into the world and help to make it better. Why not pick up at least one piece of trash that you see on the ground today? If we all do it, it'll be a much cleaner place! Now I would suggest hugging a tree but my inner hippy gets beat up by my inner punk for doing things like that! LOL!:)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Fantasy Hair!
What is the hair that you would most like to have regardless of your hair type? An Afro, Super Short hair? Green hair? Straight hair? Whatever your dream hair is, what is it about that style that you are so drawn to? Is it the volume of the Afro or the density of it? With the short hair, is it the spikiness, the bangs? Really look at what part or parts you are most loving about it. Then communicate that with your stylist and ask her how you can incorperate some part of this look into what your hair can do. Maybe you can't go green for work but maybe you can do something that will have the same dark/light contrast on your own head of hair with a more natural shade. Sometimes there is something more that we like about a look then first meets the eye. Explore this!:)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hair tip of the day: It's 4/20!
Just to be cheeky because it is 4/20, I'm going to give a shout out to my favorite hairspray. It's by Hempz (he he!) and it smells amazing. To me it smells like apple pie. It's a super yummy apple/cinnamon blend and it holds wonderfully. It's not too hard of a hold but it keeps my spikies where I want them! The body lotions that Hempz carries also rock! They even have one that gives a little "tan" to your body. Check out the line! :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Finding myself through color!
Color hasn't always been a way for my to express myself. I have been every color and combination of colors imagainable. But this wasn't always true. I was the client that said "I'll have a trim". I'd threaten not to pay the stylist if they cut off more than 1/2". I shudder that I actually would say that! LOL! Then came the day that I begin to experiment. This experimentation came through error. One time when I was apprenticing my bangs were cut too short and I shaved my head... YES! I really did! I was tired of having bad hair days, I was tired of worrying so much about my freakin' hair! So I had a man that I worked with clipper it off and it was liberating! Here I was with nothing to hide behind and I actually liked it. I wore big earrings and fun make-up. I had it about 1/4" long and I colored it like mad. I bleached it, had it blue... I even painted a picture on my head using every color of dye that I could get my hands on. What I discovered is that I am still me no matter what is happening on my head. At that point I begin to try every cut and color. I wanted to feel what it was like to be these different looks. The thing that I discovered is that it doesn't feel like anything other than who I am. Hair to me is like a seasonal coat. I change with the times, my mood and I just have fun with it. Sometimes I'm more playful and sometimes I'm more conservative. But I'm always me. This belief started with my hair and moved in to other areas... I am not my weight, or my bank account. I am the essence that is Kimberly and that is ever changing but also the same to some degree. My essense is not my outside appearance. My outside appearance is just my hobby. My outside appearance may show when times are good or bad in my life to some extent but it is only the tip of the iceburg. I strive daily to not worry about if people notice I gained weight after some deaths in the family or that I lost weight after a difficult break up years before. The people that really see me, see the whole picture in and out. When I see my friends I don't see their hair unless they are coming to see me for an appointment. When I see my friends, I see the people that I love and who love me. I have a special friend who is struggling right now and she inspired this whole post. You know who you are and I love you girl. You will find you again, because she is still there, I promise!:)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Afros!
Afros has been huge in the fashion world and fashion forward party scene for the last two years. Anyone can have a fro for a day (or for a party!). Have your stylist set your hair on perm rods and then pic it out for you. A style like this is perfect for a theme party or for fashion week in NYC. If you fall in love it can be made more permenant with a real perm! Enjoy!:)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Matter of Trust!
One of my clients turned me on to this organization. Matter of Trust makes Booms, for cleaning up oil spills out of recycled pantyhose and donated hair. So even if you don't have 15", 10", or 7" of hair to donate, you can donate any length of clippings! You can even donate pet hair! Hair is super absorbent and the Booms can be reused many times. What a great way to be green!:)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Angel Hair Foundation!
I was searching around for other places that take hair donations and came across Angel Hair Foundation:
I didn't find a place on their web page that said they accept hair but I'm guessing that if they are contacted they can lead you in the right direction. This foundation was formed when a Mother's Daughter came down with cancer. I found the story that is written about it on the site to be very touching. The foundation is in Eugene,OR and I being an Oregonian was doubly touched by the story. It hit "home" so to speak. It's worth a try to contact them and because they are a smaller foundation I'm sure that they would love to answer any questions reguarding donations.:)
I didn't find a place on their web page that said they accept hair but I'm guessing that if they are contacted they can lead you in the right direction. This foundation was formed when a Mother's Daughter came down with cancer. I found the story that is written about it on the site to be very touching. The foundation is in Eugene,OR and I being an Oregonian was doubly touched by the story. It hit "home" so to speak. It's worth a try to contact them and because they are a smaller foundation I'm sure that they would love to answer any questions reguarding donations.:)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Pantene Beautiful Lengths!
Pantene Beautiful Lengths hair donations go to making wigs for Women who are losing their hair through treatment due to cancers of all kinds.
As Pantene Beautiful Lengths wigs are created, they are distributed for free through select American Cancer Society wig banks across the country. Women facing cancer can find out about the availability of a Pantene Beautiful Lengths wig by calling the American Cancer Society at 1-877-227-1596. The Society can also help callers with a number of resources providing educational and emotional support.
* Donated hair must be a minimum of 8 inches long (measure hair from just above the elastic band of the ponytail to the ends)
* Hair should be freshly washed and completely dry, without any styling products
* Hair may be colored with vegetable dyes, rinses and semi-permanent dyes (hair cannot be bleached, permanently colored or chemically treated)
* Hair may not be more than 5 percent gray (this is something that your stylist can help you to determine)
Place the ponytail, kept intact with the elastic band, in a zipper-lock bag and seal tightly. Please ensure the ponytail is complete dry before sending.
Place the plastic bag with the ponytail in a padded or plastic envelope and send to:
Pantene Beautiful Lengths 511 Wisconsin Drive New Richmond, WI 54017-2613
If you would like written acknowledgement of your ponytail donation, please remember to include your full name and return address with your hair donation.
Visit and click “Questions” at the bottom of the homepage, or call 1-800-945-7768. U.S. and Puerto Rico Residents only
As Pantene Beautiful Lengths wigs are created, they are distributed for free through select American Cancer Society wig banks across the country. Women facing cancer can find out about the availability of a Pantene Beautiful Lengths wig by calling the American Cancer Society at 1-877-227-1596. The Society can also help callers with a number of resources providing educational and emotional support.
* Donated hair must be a minimum of 8 inches long (measure hair from just above the elastic band of the ponytail to the ends)
* Hair should be freshly washed and completely dry, without any styling products
* Hair may be colored with vegetable dyes, rinses and semi-permanent dyes (hair cannot be bleached, permanently colored or chemically treated)
* Hair may not be more than 5 percent gray (this is something that your stylist can help you to determine)
Place the ponytail, kept intact with the elastic band, in a zipper-lock bag and seal tightly. Please ensure the ponytail is complete dry before sending.
Place the plastic bag with the ponytail in a padded or plastic envelope and send to:
Pantene Beautiful Lengths 511 Wisconsin Drive New Richmond, WI 54017-2613
If you would like written acknowledgement of your ponytail donation, please remember to include your full name and return address with your hair donation.
Visit and click “Questions” at the bottom of the homepage, or call 1-800-945-7768. U.S. and Puerto Rico Residents only
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Wigs For Kids!
Wigs for kids is an organization that donates wigs to children who lose their hair. Whether they lose their hair as a result of medical treatments, health conditions or burn accidents, these children don't just suffer physically. The wigs that are made and donated help their self-esteem.
The value of each individually designed hair system is $1,500. Each prosthesis is hand-tied and is made completely from human hair. The hair is blended to match their natural color perfectly and then cut into a desired style.
The rules are a little more limiting than Locks of Love but it is a great place to donate if one has super long hair and doesn't chemically alter it. I know that children love to give to other children so it can be a perfect place for a child to donate hair.
* Make sure hair is a minimum of 12 inches
* Hair must be clean and dry
* Hair cannot be permed, color-treated, or highlighted
* Make sure each ponytail or braid is tightly secured. Hair that is loosely wrapped tends to become loose when shipped, making it unusable
* Cut hair above rubber band
* Place the hair in a plastic bag or wrap it in tissue paper.
* Mail the hair in a sealed envelope (special containers or insurance are not necessary) to: Wigs for Kids, 24231 Center Ridge Road, Westlake, Ohio 44145.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Wigs for Kids via telephone at 440-333-4433 or e-mail at
The value of each individually designed hair system is $1,500. Each prosthesis is hand-tied and is made completely from human hair. The hair is blended to match their natural color perfectly and then cut into a desired style.
The rules are a little more limiting than Locks of Love but it is a great place to donate if one has super long hair and doesn't chemically alter it. I know that children love to give to other children so it can be a perfect place for a child to donate hair.
* Make sure hair is a minimum of 12 inches
* Hair must be clean and dry
* Hair cannot be permed, color-treated, or highlighted
* Make sure each ponytail or braid is tightly secured. Hair that is loosely wrapped tends to become loose when shipped, making it unusable
* Cut hair above rubber band
* Place the hair in a plastic bag or wrap it in tissue paper.
* Mail the hair in a sealed envelope (special containers or insurance are not necessary) to: Wigs for Kids, 24231 Center Ridge Road, Westlake, Ohio 44145.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Wigs for Kids via telephone at 440-333-4433 or e-mail at
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Locks of Love!
Locks of Love is probably the most well-known wig charity. Many believe that the wigs created by Locks of Love are given to children with cancer. I too was under this misconception! Locks of Love wigs go to kids with long-term hair loss. Children with conditions such as Alopecia who will never grow their natural hair again are given first priority. Since most children who undergo chemotherapy will be able to grow their own hair again, a very limited number of these wigs made with human hair are given to children with cancer. But for anyone who has ever known anyone with Alopecia, this is a serious condition. It is so beneficial for these Childrens self esteem to have these wigs available to them.
Here are the guidelines for donating hair to Locks of Love:
* Hair must be at least 10" long in a ponytail or a braid
* Hair must be fresh, not from an old ponytail saved from years ago
* Hair from men and women, young and old, and all colors and races are needed
* Hair must not be bleached or over-processed
* Hair must be clean, dry, put in a plastic bag, and then in a padded envelope
Below is a Donation Form for Locks of Love:
Locks of Love Hair Donation Form
Please complete, print and send this form with your hair donation; you may remain anonymous if you wish. Please print legibly so we will be able to send you an acknowledgement. Please note, to receive an acknowledgement may take up to 90 days. If you are sending a photo with your donation please write your name, address, and phone number on the CD, disk, or back of the photo in addition to this completed form.
Please measure your ponytail(s) and write the length in inches on the outside of each clear re-sealable bag.
Your Information
Your Name: _______________________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________ Apt/Suite: ________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: _________ Zip: ____________ Country: __________________ Age (If Minor): ______ Daytime Phone: ____________ How did you find us? _________________________________________________
Today's Date: ____________________________________________________
If you would like to make a financial donation, please complete the following section also. I would like to donate... $25 $50 $75 $100 Other: ________
I would like to sponsor a Locks of Love child for $1,000!
We gladly accept these (check one): Visa Master Card Check Credit Card Number: ___________________________________ Exp Date: _____________ Name on Credit Card: ______________________________________
Locks of Love – 2925 10th Avenue North, Suite 102 – Lake Worth, FL 33461 Phone (888) 896-1588 – Fax (561) 963-9914 –
Here are the guidelines for donating hair to Locks of Love:
* Hair must be at least 10" long in a ponytail or a braid
* Hair must be fresh, not from an old ponytail saved from years ago
* Hair from men and women, young and old, and all colors and races are needed
* Hair must not be bleached or over-processed
* Hair must be clean, dry, put in a plastic bag, and then in a padded envelope
Below is a Donation Form for Locks of Love:
Locks of Love Hair Donation Form
Please complete, print and send this form with your hair donation; you may remain anonymous if you wish. Please print legibly so we will be able to send you an acknowledgement. Please note, to receive an acknowledgement may take up to 90 days. If you are sending a photo with your donation please write your name, address, and phone number on the CD, disk, or back of the photo in addition to this completed form.
Please measure your ponytail(s) and write the length in inches on the outside of each clear re-sealable bag.
Your Information
Your Name: _______________________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________ Apt/Suite: ________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: _________ Zip: ____________ Country: __________________ Age (If Minor): ______ Daytime Phone: ____________ How did you find us? _________________________________________________
Today's Date: ____________________________________________________
If you would like to make a financial donation, please complete the following section also. I would like to donate... $25 $50 $75 $100 Other: ________
I would like to sponsor a Locks of Love child for $1,000!
We gladly accept these (check one): Visa Master Card Check Credit Card Number: ___________________________________ Exp Date: _____________ Name on Credit Card: ______________________________________
Locks of Love – 2925 10th Avenue North, Suite 102 – Lake Worth, FL 33461 Phone (888) 896-1588 – Fax (561) 963-9914 –
Monday, April 12, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Donation Week!
Over the next week I will be posting about all the different places that you can donate your hair. Some places only except Virgin hair (not colored, permed or straightened). Some only except a certain length and some except clippings! So, if you are thinking about cutting your hair soon, stay tuned for where you can donate it!:)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hair tip of the day: What's with all this rain???
When April Showers bring May flowers, it's time to go for a more natural look. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to perfectly coiff your hair. Wear a hat, a ponytail, a head band. Go bed head crazy! When one is sure to get wet don't use much product. Hair sprays and gels will just run and clump. Stick with softer products like pomades (that have no stickiness), leave in conditioners and creams. Tousel your locks and go dance in the rain!:)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Hair tip of the day: When was the last time that you Deep Conditioned?
The very first blog that I ever posted was about Deep Conditioning. Was that maybe that last time that you deep conditioned your hair? It's important to do once a month at the very least (although I recommend once a week), especially if you have long hair and/or color. Even if you can only leave the product in for 5 min., it's better than nothing at all. Just remember to blot the excess moisture out with a towel before putting the conditioner in. It makes all the difference. You don't want that pricey product sliding into the drain instead of sliding into your hair cuticle. It's Saturday and most of you have the day off... go Deep Condition now!!!!!!:)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Look at your Year Book photos!
Check out your High School Year Book photos. Are you still wearing the same hair style? What about pictures of you in your early twenties? If you are looking the same decade after decade it's time for a change. Sometimes when we get a compliment from someone in our past, it really sticks with us. We think that if they liked our hair at that moment in time, that it is the best we will ever look. This isn't true. We looked good then because we were in the 10th grade and that style worked with our weight, style of dress, etc. We grow as the years past in many ways. Our faces change, our style changes, our persona changes. So with all of that change our hair should change as well. Step out of your box and embrace a cut and color that says "This is who I am today! And I am open to changing again in another few years!". Have fun with how and who you are today!:)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Go Opposite!
Is your hair normally up? Wear it down. Is your hair worn curly? Wear it straight today. Do you spike your hair? Wear it flat. Are you a man who gels it back? Wear it with some pomade and forward. Sometimes it's nice to just shake things up. It may give you a whole new outlook on your day or at the very least you'll find a new way that you like to wear your hair! It's hair, have fun with it!:)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Looker younger instantly!
The best way to look younger is to take the cut that you have and add layers to it. It will soften the whole look instantly! By softening the lines of the haircut around your face, you will erase years from your face. Blunt haircuts are best worn by those 25 and younger, otherwise opt for layers!:)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Bridal Hair!
As the Bride all eyes are on you. This is your day to shine! That being said, this isn't your day to look like a completely different person. The Groom should recognize you as you come down the aisle! How does your Hubby-to-be enjoy your hair? Does he think it's sexy up or does it remind him of his old Aunt Bess? It is your day but do keep in mind what your man likes (it will come in handy on the wedding night... he he). You want him to have this picture of his beautiful wife in his head for years to come. Let your hair be "you" but with a little more pizzaz! Try different veils and accessories before settleing on the one that says PERFECTION. Have fun with all the girlieness that is the wedding and at the same time let it scream YOU! :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Convertible Hair!
As the weather gets nicer it's time for the tops to come down on people's convertibles and for the sunroofs to be opened wide. Don't get caught with a tangled mess of hair. In your glove box it's a good idea to keep a ponytail holder,(if your hair is long enough)a scarf, mini hairspray and a brush. And it's a good idea to have the same in your purse. That way you are always prepared for the wind blowing on you, even in a friends car! If you have shorter hair, a shot of hair spray will keep your style in place. Hairspray is great for a ponytail too, especially on the tail part. Enjoy the sun and the ride in style!:)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Have a style that looks great even if you do nothing to it!
Be honest with yourself. If you are not a blow drying, curling iron wielding, hair spray junkie, get a cut that for sure doesn't need that stuff to look it's best. Even if you flat iron your wavy hair most of the time, make sure the the cut still works when you let it go wavy. When consulting with your Stylist, be honest about exactly what you will and won't do. That way you will look as fantastic outside of the salon as you do in the chair, before you leave the salon. Let your Stylist explain to you what cuts will work with the hair that you have as well as what you will have to do to make a cut work that isn't exactly tailored to your hair type. That way you can make an informed decision and can decide "do I want more sleep or to do my hair in the morning?". The choice is yours! :)
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Eyebrows!
It is my opinion that there are only 3 cases in which eyebrow color should be altered. Eyebrows frame your face and don't need to be the exact color of your hair. They blend in with most hair colors. Here are my 3 exceptions:
1) Your eyebrows are too light. Like I said they are the frame to your eyes, so let them be seen. This doesn't mean they need to be black, just a little darker to be existent.
2)You have pale blonde (all over) hair and your eyebrows are black. They should be softened a shade or two. Just to cut the contrast between the two colors. Even if you have pale hi-lites and still have your dark hair strands as well, the dark eyebrows work!
3)Grey or Unpigmented hair in your eyebrows is always a good reason to have them tinted! If the grey is covered in your hair and not your eyebrows it's a bizarre mixture. So bye-bye grey in the brows!:)
1) Your eyebrows are too light. Like I said they are the frame to your eyes, so let them be seen. This doesn't mean they need to be black, just a little darker to be existent.
2)You have pale blonde (all over) hair and your eyebrows are black. They should be softened a shade or two. Just to cut the contrast between the two colors. Even if you have pale hi-lites and still have your dark hair strands as well, the dark eyebrows work!
3)Grey or Unpigmented hair in your eyebrows is always a good reason to have them tinted! If the grey is covered in your hair and not your eyebrows it's a bizarre mixture. So bye-bye grey in the brows!:)
Friday, April 2, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Hollywood Hair!
You know that tousled, soft wavy hair style that the Victoria Secret models wear? That is Hollywood hair! It's the "I didn't try to look as sexy and fabulous as I do" hair. Anyone with medium to long hair can pull off this look. With your hair dry (even if your hair is curly, you can do this without straightening it first),take a 1" curling iron and take big sections of hair (2" sections) and do ringlets. After you are done, use your hands to finger through the curls and you're done. No need to spray. If you have a lot of fly-a-ways, use a dab of pomade. You want your Hollywood hair to be as touchable as it looks!:)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Is your Stylist training regularly?
It's important that any professional, whatever their job, to train consistently. That is especially true as a Stylist. New colors and techniques are coming out all the time. Not only does training keep my skills current, it keeps me excited and motivated about what I'm doing! I stay current so that my clients can stay current. I train a minimum of twice a year. My clients look forward to hearing about what I'll be learning. When something new comes out, like the Brazilian Blowout, I want to have the knowledge and know how to educate my clients. I want to have every tool in my aresanal and the knowledge to use them. Speak with your Stylist about what training they have done recently and what they have lined up in the future. Know that your Stylist is well informed and trained and you are sure to get the best looking hair possible!:)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Miscommunication!
Try as I might, sometimes there are miscommunications about what someone wants and what I think they want. I've been doing hair for 18years and I try to improve my skills in all areas as the years pass. When I work with my clients we are building trust. If you have had a long relationship with your Stylist and have been pleased with the results that they have produced over the years, you have built up that trust. If you make a major change and aren't pleased with the results, don't panic. As a stylist I will do everything in my power to make it right. It's hair and it can be altered. Just because someone is a Color Specialist or a Haircut Specialist doesn't mean they are going to get what you invision and what they think you invision correctly every time. But a good Stylist will do their best to correct it!:)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Q&A!
Is the Brazilian Blowout harmful to the hair? I hear that it has formaldehyde.
The Brazilian Blowout is in no way harmful to the hair. It will actually help the condition of your hair. It can be done over and over, as often as one wants and will continue to add shine and managiblility. Brazilian Blowout does not have any formaldehyde in it's formula. The formula that was developed in Brazil did have it originally but does not now. It is formaldehyde and aldehyde free. So you can enjoy your BB safely!:)
Is the Brazilian Blowout harmful to the hair? I hear that it has formaldehyde.
The Brazilian Blowout is in no way harmful to the hair. It will actually help the condition of your hair. It can be done over and over, as often as one wants and will continue to add shine and managiblility. Brazilian Blowout does not have any formaldehyde in it's formula. The formula that was developed in Brazil did have it originally but does not now. It is formaldehyde and aldehyde free. So you can enjoy your BB safely!:)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Lately there has been a lot of interest in Brazilian Blowouts, so I thought that today I would repost my blog about the treatment! Many of my clients are booking this procedure or have already had it done. After this treatment I receive emails of thanks and amazement. I am just as impressed with this service. I have never seen my clients hair look or feel better!
The Brazilian Blowout is all the craze with celebrities and women who want frizz-free, shiny and more manageable hair. It is not a waxing treatment (LOL). It is a smoothing and reconditioning treatment that adds shine, eliminates frizz, and adds nourishment to the hair. It is formaldehyde and aldehyde free. There are no harsh chemicals in this product. It is made up of a vegetable protein (keratin) and a proprietary blend of goodness. This is not a straightening system per say. Your natural wave or curl will remain to some extent. People with finer hair will get straighter results for longer but the treatment makes hair much easier to style. The greatest benefit is the manageability that it will give the hair. Your hair will have the shine, movement and anti- frizz look that airbrushed models exhibit!
The effects of the treatment last 10-12 weeks and are only guaranteed if the client uses the 4 follow up products by Acai:
#1 Acai Anti-Frizz Shampoo
#2 Acai Anti-Frizz Conditioner
#3 Acai Smoothing Serum
#4 Acai Deep Conditioning Masque.
This line of products was developed for the sole purpose of extending the life of the Brazilian Blowout. For the best results it is essential that you use these products!
The treatment takes on average 90 min. and is safe for any type of hair. Yes any! Bleached, colored, chemically straightened, etc. If you color, it is best to get your touch up and then have the Brazilian Blowout done immediately after. It will seal in your color for longer lasting results. This is phenomenal for red heads and brunettes that fade! If you can't do the Brazilian Blowout that day, do it within a few days of of your color touch-up. Just don't wash your hair until you come in for the Brazilian Blowout. If time does still not allow for you to come in that soon for your color, you must wait at least 10 days after the Brazilian Blowout to get your color touch-up.
So how much does it cost? It ranges from $350-$800. I will be charging $350 (unless someone has hair down to their butt). The products (all four) are a little less than $160. The cost is worth the time that you'll save when styling your hair and every time that you look in the mirror you will know that the Brazilian Blowout is worth the cost. This is a treatment that every head of hair can benefit from! :)
The Brazilian Blowout is all the craze with celebrities and women who want frizz-free, shiny and more manageable hair. It is not a waxing treatment (LOL). It is a smoothing and reconditioning treatment that adds shine, eliminates frizz, and adds nourishment to the hair. It is formaldehyde and aldehyde free. There are no harsh chemicals in this product. It is made up of a vegetable protein (keratin) and a proprietary blend of goodness. This is not a straightening system per say. Your natural wave or curl will remain to some extent. People with finer hair will get straighter results for longer but the treatment makes hair much easier to style. The greatest benefit is the manageability that it will give the hair. Your hair will have the shine, movement and anti- frizz look that airbrushed models exhibit!
The effects of the treatment last 10-12 weeks and are only guaranteed if the client uses the 4 follow up products by Acai:
#1 Acai Anti-Frizz Shampoo
#2 Acai Anti-Frizz Conditioner
#3 Acai Smoothing Serum
#4 Acai Deep Conditioning Masque.
This line of products was developed for the sole purpose of extending the life of the Brazilian Blowout. For the best results it is essential that you use these products!
The treatment takes on average 90 min. and is safe for any type of hair. Yes any! Bleached, colored, chemically straightened, etc. If you color, it is best to get your touch up and then have the Brazilian Blowout done immediately after. It will seal in your color for longer lasting results. This is phenomenal for red heads and brunettes that fade! If you can't do the Brazilian Blowout that day, do it within a few days of of your color touch-up. Just don't wash your hair until you come in for the Brazilian Blowout. If time does still not allow for you to come in that soon for your color, you must wait at least 10 days after the Brazilian Blowout to get your color touch-up.
So how much does it cost? It ranges from $350-$800. I will be charging $350 (unless someone has hair down to their butt). The products (all four) are a little less than $160. The cost is worth the time that you'll save when styling your hair and every time that you look in the mirror you will know that the Brazilian Blowout is worth the cost. This is a treatment that every head of hair can benefit from! :)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Conditioning!
Deep Conditioning shouldn't be the only time that you take the time to make sure that you are getting the most out of your Conditioner. When the hair is to full of water the Conditioner can't get into the hair shaft. All it takes is a moment to make the product work more effectively. When you shower place a towel near by. After Shampooing, squeeze the excess water out of your hair, then grab the towel and blot even more water out of the hair. This will ensure that the Conditioner can penetrate the hair. If there is too much water in the hair the Conditioner will just slide right off and go down the drain. What a waste! If you do this one extra step you'll begin to feel the difference!:)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Shampooing!
Hair tip of the day: Shampooing!
I know that being able to shampoo sounds like common sense but there are ways to shampoo that will be much more effective then what you may be doing now. With just a few steps you can change up your technique in order to get a cleaner scalp and ultimately cleaner hair. You can also save money by learning how to use less shampoo. Here are the steps to take in order to give yourself a fantastic shampoo:
1) Wet the hair completely. Don't just dunk your head under the shower head, get your hands into it. Every strand of hair needs to be well saturated.
2) Pour a dime sized amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand. Now rub hands together to work up a lather. This will ensure that you get the shampoo throughout the hair and not just in one spot.
3)Put sudsy hands right into the scalp first. Massage the scalp thoroughly before shampooing the ends of the hair. It's important to really scrub the scalp. You will remove dead skin and oil. This will keep follicles free from gunk that can cause skin irritation, pimples and cradle cap. If you feel that you aren't getting enough of a sudsing, just add more water. Don't add more shampoo because it's just a waste of product. Once the entire scalp is scrubbed then the ends can have the shampoo squished into them. It doesn't take much work to shampoo the ends. The shampoo's job is to grab dirt and grime, so that it can be rinsed away. It's important not to rub the ends of the hair together. They will get tangled and because hair is most delicate when wet, the hair can be broken if treated too roughly.
4) Rinse hair completely, again by using your hands. It's easy to just want to dunk your head under and be done with it but you want to be sure to rinse all the shampoo away.
I hope that these steps will give you a happier scalp, healthier hair and help you to spend less money on shampoo. It's a terrible thing to let money go down the drain! Happy Shampooing!:)
I know that being able to shampoo sounds like common sense but there are ways to shampoo that will be much more effective then what you may be doing now. With just a few steps you can change up your technique in order to get a cleaner scalp and ultimately cleaner hair. You can also save money by learning how to use less shampoo. Here are the steps to take in order to give yourself a fantastic shampoo:
1) Wet the hair completely. Don't just dunk your head under the shower head, get your hands into it. Every strand of hair needs to be well saturated.
2) Pour a dime sized amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand. Now rub hands together to work up a lather. This will ensure that you get the shampoo throughout the hair and not just in one spot.
3)Put sudsy hands right into the scalp first. Massage the scalp thoroughly before shampooing the ends of the hair. It's important to really scrub the scalp. You will remove dead skin and oil. This will keep follicles free from gunk that can cause skin irritation, pimples and cradle cap. If you feel that you aren't getting enough of a sudsing, just add more water. Don't add more shampoo because it's just a waste of product. Once the entire scalp is scrubbed then the ends can have the shampoo squished into them. It doesn't take much work to shampoo the ends. The shampoo's job is to grab dirt and grime, so that it can be rinsed away. It's important not to rub the ends of the hair together. They will get tangled and because hair is most delicate when wet, the hair can be broken if treated too roughly.
4) Rinse hair completely, again by using your hands. It's easy to just want to dunk your head under and be done with it but you want to be sure to rinse all the shampoo away.
I hope that these steps will give you a happier scalp, healthier hair and help you to spend less money on shampoo. It's a terrible thing to let money go down the drain! Happy Shampooing!:)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Q&A!
Q: Why do I have little hairs that stick up from my head, even though the rest of my hair is long?
A: It could be one if two things:
1) Hair is constantly falling out & regrowing. There will be different lengths always but in some people they are more noticeable. Grey hairs can especially be coarser & curlier & love to stick up. A quick spritz of hairspray or a little gel or pomade can lay them down.
2) The hair is being damaged by brushing when wet, too high of heat with a dryer or heated tool, poor color application or bad ponytail holders. Speak to your Stylist about how you can better care for your hair.
Thanks so much for sending that question blog reader!:)
A: It could be one if two things:
1) Hair is constantly falling out & regrowing. There will be different lengths always but in some people they are more noticeable. Grey hairs can especially be coarser & curlier & love to stick up. A quick spritz of hairspray or a little gel or pomade can lay them down.
2) The hair is being damaged by brushing when wet, too high of heat with a dryer or heated tool, poor color application or bad ponytail holders. Speak to your Stylist about how you can better care for your hair.
Thanks so much for sending that question blog reader!:)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Curling Irons!
Curling irons come in many barrel sizes. There are teeny tiny barrels,gigantic barrels and every size in between. In general, smaller barrels are for shorter hair and bigger barrels are for longer hair. Although a 2" barrel can be excellent on shorter hair to get a flip going. It gives just enough bend to the ends without giving curl. A 1/4" barrel is fantastic for giving natural curl a little more polish. Just a few well placed curls with this tiny iron and VIOLA, a more finished looking curl. Curling irons also come with a spring style or a Marcel style. The spring style is what most people have grown up with, the Marcel style is a more professional style of iron and gives better mobility when curling the hair. It's really a matter of preference as to what style will be most comfortable for you. Whether your hair is long or short, it's nice to have a few different barrel sizes in your arsenal so that you can get as many different looks as possible. When using the curling iron to curl the whole head it's nice to alternate between smaller and larger curls. It gives a more natural and interesting look to the hair. The possibilities are endless. So grab some irons and happy curling!:)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Ask Me!
Are there questions that you have? Things that you want to know about hair? Ask me! You can leave your questions in my message inbox and I will answer them all! Test my knowledge!:)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Hair tip of the day: I'm a Hairstylist, not a magician!
Sometimes we all have ideas of how our hair will magically transform us. I've done it. I'd break up with an old boyfriend, cut off all my hair or change the color and magically my heart should be healed. Wrong. I'd just have a new style with my same old broken heart. New haircuts and colors can give us new found confidence and a bounce in our step but it won't make us lose 10 pounds or make us find a job. It can motivate us to do those things but the hair alone won't make it happen. When let downs or big changes happen in our lives we must ask ourselves "Am I ready for another change?". Sometimes the answer will be Yes and sometimes No. Having a new hairdo can be great therapy but sometimes sticking with what we know can give us the comfort that we need.:)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Put the scissors down!
It's early in the morning before you go to work and your bangs are in your face. You think "Just a few snips and it'll be perfect". You pick up your kitchen scissors and Oops!!! They are way too short and crooked! This is an awful way to start the day. Please call for a bang trim. I know that your life is busy and that it's hard to find the time but please make the time for a 5 min. bang trim. Bangs are at the very front of your face and they are the first thing that you and everyone else will see. Book a bang trim and save yourself the heartache of icky bangs! :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Give major change some time!
When making a major change as far as haircut or color, give it at least a week, maybe two to really set in. Even when we think we are ready for something different, the reality of the change can throw us for a loop. Before freaking out give yourself some adjustment time. It takes awhile for our brains to accept that we look different. Have a friend take some photos so that you can really see the full results. Then kick back and enjoy the new you!:)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Book a wash & style after surgery!
After most surgery's it can be difficult to wash, let alone style your own hair. So once you are mobile make sure to come into the salon for some TLC! When we look good we tend to feel good as well! Make a trip to the salon part of your regimine to recovery!:)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Braids!
If you have medium to long hair, try putting 3-5 French braids in your towel dried hair. Do it before bed & let it dry overnight. In the morning take out the braids & finger through. You'll have a fun wavy style that you can wear down or pin up. You can run some styling cream, gel or oil through the hair, to give it more texture! Instant style!:)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Blow dryers!
There is no need to have a blow dryer that is as expensive as the one that I use professionally for home use. The reason my work blow dryer is so decked out and pricey is that I use it all day, everyday and it has to have a heating element that can handle that kind of use. That being said, there are benefits to an ionic hair dryer. Ionic dryers will dry the hair quicker which means it's gentler on your hair. The other guide line for buying a blow dryer is to watch the wattage. My belief is that 1600 is best but below 1800 is fine. When the wattage gets into 1875, that is just WAY too much heat! Too high of heat=damage to the hair. If your hair dryer is old and begins to have a smell when you are blow drying, please replace it pronto! The tools that we use on our hair need to be in good working order to do the best job. Is it time for a new dryer?:)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Referrals!
Nothing says thank you like a referral from a client! When I receive a referral from a client I send a thank you card & I give them $5 off their next service with me. If they send me 3 people, they get $15 off their next service! As a stylist I'm always accepting new clients. And not to worry, I'll always find room for my regulars!:)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Styling products make all the difference!
My clients are always saying to me that my hair must take a lot of work as far as styling goes. But it doesn't. I blow dry it with a volumizer, spray some hairspray and I'm done. BUT... and this is a big but... If I don't use the products I seriously look like a drowned rat. My hair is bone straight and fine. I have a lot of it but it's super fine and limp. Just because you have to throw a little product in doesn't mean that it's going to be a lot of work. What is does mean, is a whole world of difference in how your hair will look. Ask your stylist what products will work best for you and you will always have that "Just-Stepped-Out-Of-The-Salon-look"!:)
Monday, March 15, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Take a break from shampooing!
Back in Medieval times Royalty bathed at birth and at death and that was it! Throughout the early to mid 1900's a weekly shampooing was the norm. Then the 80's came, shampoos got better (not such heavy detergents in them), and people were shampooing daily, if not more. There seemed to be a craze of cleanliness. Not just shampooing either... deodorants, soaps, etc. The cleaner the better! Have no dirt ever! In the last decade people are going back to shampooing less. It is okay to not shampoo everyday or even every 4 days or every week! If you have dry hair and skin, chances are that you can go quite awhile before shampooing. Hair will be more manageable, and you'll save time. Just a quick hop in the shower, a rearranging of your bedhead and you're done! Shampoo formulas are better than ever. I read an article once that said if you exercise and sweat, it dries. I thought that was a really good point! Chances are it's not stinky on your head. There aren't any armpits up on your scalp. Try giving the over zealous shampooing a break. If you shampoo more than once a day, try cutting down to once a day. If you shampoo everyday, shampoo every other day. Why over do it? Why waste time and product? So stop using the excuse that you have to wash your hair and wait a day!:)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Hair tip of the day: How long are you spending on your style?
Today is Daylight Savings Time. We lose a whole hour but gain more daylight. Maybe it's time to lose some hair in order to gain more time! Years ago, before I started doing hair, a friend said to me "If it takes me more than 5 min. to do my hair, I have the wrong haircut." That has become the basis of my theory on hair. Why fight what our hair wants to do naturally? The best thing we can do is work with what we have. If we truly don't like what we've been given, then what chemical treatments will help to make it easier to have what we want? I stick to the 5 min. rule or myself. It takes me less than that to blow dry my hair with my fingers and hairspray. So instead of fighting the cowlicks, curl, fine texture, etc., EMBRACE it! Get a cut that enhances what you have and gain the hour that we lose today over the months to come!:)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Sideburns!
Sideburns are in essence the "bangs" of Men. Different lengths and widths come in and out of Vogue. They can be a way to snazz up a look. They can be made to blend with facial hair to make big chops, have a sharp angle, be big and busy or close shaven, be long or short. Sometimes it depends on how long the sideburns will grow on a Man as to how he can wear them. Sometimes Men will have gaps in between the sideburns and the beard and this has to be taken into consideration when deciding on a style. In my opinion on the longer side is always better. Cutting the sideburns off completely can be a very boyish look and a little harsh on the face shape. When determining if they are even, I place my fingers on the bottom of each one and check the level. Never go by ears. Ears are uneven and that can cause a droop on one side. I usually trim sideburns very close, that way they can grow out until the next cut and not look unkempt. If you have questions about what would most flatter your face, style and cut, ask your Stylist!:)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Take it slow!
If you are wanting a major change but are still a little unsure, take it slow. You can do it in steps. If it's a short cut and you have long hair, take it to a medium length first. You may find that any shorter would have been too short! If it's a major change in color, make small adjustments towards the goal. If you are a blonde and want to be a brunette, try some lolites to see if darker feels okay. What we visulize can be very different from the reality of wearing it. If you are ready to really plunge into it, then go for it! But if you have any doubt, take it slow!:)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Sometimes you gotta cut it!
Hair is not a living thing. Thank goodness or haircuts would be very painful! Because it is not alive, it sometimes has just lost all hope of continuing to be shiny, happy hair. If hair is fine it is more delicate and therefore does not stand up to color changes, thermal styling and other outside influences very well. So at some point the hair of a few years ago (the ends) are done and need to be cut. It's better to have a chic, healthy looking, shorter cut then to hold on to longer hair that doesn't bounce any more. If the goal is to have longer hair, the best bet is to choose a color that you will want to stick with for awhile. Small changes in color can be made without ill affect but lightening, darkening and lightening again the ends of long hair just wears the integrity of the hair down. Thicker hair can usually handle it, but weaker, finer hair just can't. Choose a length that will show off the health of your hair now! Then you can work towards longer hair in a healthier way!:)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Re-evaluate your hairstyle after a weight loss or gain!
It happens to us all. We lose weight, we gain weight. Stress, health problems, pregancy, etc., aide us in this flucuation. What used to work on us at one weight, may not be the best choice at another. So remember to take a real look in the mirror after the scale creeps up or down and ask yourself "Is this style still working for me?". If you don't know ask your stylist what they think! Together a decision can be made!:)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Hair tip of the day: It's just hair!
Sometimes when we focus on our hair too much it can run our lives. Try not to obsess too much on it. We all have good and bad hair days and honestly, I think it has more to do with our mind set then our hair. Usually once a month I have terrible hair and everybody hates me. I'm thinking it's Hormones! He he! Do all that you can do to make your hair life easier but then just let it go. Hair moves, grows, changes and if we watch it's every move we will drive ourselves crazy! I used to be the kind of person that would say "If you cut more then a 1/2 an inch I won't pay you!". Yes, I really said that. Then I entered Cosmetology College... Many bad haircuts and color trials later I realized that it grows and it is fixable. So if your color is good and the haircut is right but you are hating one little piece of hair in the front (today) grab the hairspray, spray the crap out of it and go volunteer and help someone with real problems!:)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hair tip of the day: There is no excuse to look unkempt when at a black tie event!
I was shocked to see the amount of unkempt looking hair at the Oscars on the women this year. What was up with the bumps and fly-a-ways??? The 3/4 inch roots??? This is not chic. Whether styling your own hair or getting it done in the salon for a night out, make sure that the hair is well coiffed. A little hair spray and a comb can smooth a pony tail or bun. And please make sure to book a color appointment before a big event. Having crappy hair with a fabulous gown, makes the gown look not so fabulous. Have respect not only for yourself but for the peoples event that you are attending. This doesn't mean that you can't be edgy or fun. But look like you put some effort! I will give a shout out to Sandra Bullock. Her hair looked amazing and like my client and I both said... she looked like she'd had a Brazilian Blowout!!!
Now as for the Men, they really looked fantastic. They had stylish hair cuts that looked natural. Hair product was light (no shellacked helmets). They looked well put together without the just-been-cut look. Facial hair was manicured if there was any (many were clean shaven). Their hair looked clean, touchable and well groomed. Way to go Men!:)
Now as for the Men, they really looked fantastic. They had stylish hair cuts that looked natural. Hair product was light (no shellacked helmets). They looked well put together without the just-been-cut look. Facial hair was manicured if there was any (many were clean shaven). Their hair looked clean, touchable and well groomed. Way to go Men!:)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Gift Certificates!
Gift Certificates for a haircut, color, or even a blow dry can be a great gift. Whether it's their Birthday, Anniversary, a Graduation or just because, it's a great present for Men and Women. I have many choices of Gift Certificates with pretty envelopes for all occasions. What a special treat for someone that has everything. Almost everyone needs to get a haircut at some point. And the fact that they won't have to pay for it is a major bonus! :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Celebrity Styles!
I know it sounds like common sense but when you see a hair style on a celebrity, friend, co-worker or stranger make sure that you are looking at the hair cut. It's easy to get engrossed in someones whole look, not just the haircut. Even if someone has your same face shape and hair type, if their overall style (fashion wise) is different, it's not going to play out the same. If you are preppy and the hairstyle is rocker, make sure that it's the haircut and not the essence of the person that you are liking the look of. It's kind of like an art gallery... you may appreciate the art, but not want it in your home!:)
Friday, March 5, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Tone up your hair!
Hair fades over time. Whether you color your hair or not, many factors lead up to the hair losing pigment. The sun, chlorine, the age of the hair, thermal styling... all lead to hair losing it's luster. Tone up the color of the hair with a tinted color gloss. It will add shine and manageability, while also adding tone back to the hair. If you are a brunette, who has never colored your hair but noticed the trip to Hawaii left the hair lighter than preferred, toning is a fantastic option! It's a semi-permanent gloss that will add new life to your natural color. It will not change the natural color of the hair. Over time the toner will gradually fade away. Anyone who does color their hair will periodically need a toner to refresh the ends. Everybody's hair, whether natural or tinted can benefit from a color gloss. Tone up that hair (no gym required)!:)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Technology Rocks!
I know that not all stylist do it yet but utilizing the computer for appointments, sending pics of possible haircuts, etc. is so awesome! Whether you are a busy parent or a busy CEO, it is so nice to pop off an email about needing an appointment. My clients send me emails when it's convenient for them and give me times and days that will work for their appointment. If they are looking for a change and are surfing the web, they just send me the link and ask "what do you think?". If you aren't emailing and would like to for your appointments, please do! If you have pics that you'd like to show me, email them to me! If you like the phone, then kick it old school. I'm down for any form of communication! See ya soon!:)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Don't live with itchy scalp!
If you have an itchy scalp and flakes, you don't have to just live with it! Get some product to rid yourself of these symptoms. Sometimes it's a sunburned scalp, a weather change, dandruff or psoriasis. If you are unsure as to what is happening, see your Dermatologist. If it's sunburn, Nioxin Scalp Treatment can ease the discomfort of the sting and then of the itching to follow. If you have flakes from allergies, weather change of dandruff then seek out Thermafuse Thermadan Dandruff Shampoo and Conditioner. It's color safe and won the Salon Plus Editors Choice Award for best Dandruff Shampoo and Conditioner. If it is psoriasis, or if you are unsure, please see your Doctor. There are medicated products that they can prescribe for you. There is no need to "live" with discomfort. Get relief now!:)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Ask your Stylist!
If you are unsure of how to correctly use a curling iron, ask your stylist! Not sure what shampoo or conditioner to buy, ask your stylist! Any hair questions that you have, ask us! I have taken the time to show numerous clients how to use a curling iron, how to use a flat iron, etc. I want you to be able to do everything that I've done to your hair when you get home. It's not a secret! I tend to forget that the things that are common knowledge to me, aren't common knowledge to others. So just ask!:)
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Stop shopping for the best bargain!
Money is an issue for us all but when you start shopping for the best bargain, instead of the best person to do the job, you'll end up with not so great results. Whether it's a corrective color, extensions, or a haircut. If you continue to be unhappy with the end result of what you are getting, it's time to shop for the best qualified. You may end up paying a little more but you'll get great hair days for the life of that service! Is being unhappy with your hair worth a cheaper price tag? No way!!! You are worth having fantastic hair and happy days to follow the service!:)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Burnt hair can not be repaired!
If you burn your hair with a hair dryer, curling iron or flat iron, it can not be repaired. No amount of conditioner will fix it. The only way to be rid of it, is to cut it off. So unless you want a shorter cut, please turn the heat down on your appliances. Also keep your hair dryer and flat iron moving. When blow drying don't just hit a spot continuously. Keep the brush and the dryer moving. The same with flat ironing. Keep it moving. With a curling iron, keep the heat low enough to do the job and count for 5 seconds on each strand. This will ensure an even curl. Your hair will look fabulous and won't get scorched!:)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Know your brush!
Different brushes are meant for different things. In general a boar bristle brush is used for smoothing the hair and a synthetic bristle is used for volume. There are brushes that have a combo of both bristles for hair that needs both smoothing and volume. Round brushes come in all different sizes. A rule of thumb is to use smaller brushes for shorter hair and bigger brushes for longer hair. Go a little smaller if you want more bend and bigger if you want just a little. A paddle brush is fantastic for drying longer hair straight. A vent brush is great for adding volume. The open spaces add for more air to hit the roots. Hopefully this will take some of the guess work out of purchases brushes. Ask your stylist if you have any questions! That is what we are here for. We want you to get the right tools to support your style!:)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Beware traveling over seas with your flat iron...
...or your curling iron and hair dryer. Unless they are dual voltage appliances you will most likely blow up your beloved styling tool. The voltage that comes out of our wall socket in America is 110. In Europe it is on average 230 (some places 220 or 240). Even if you have an adapter to fit your plug in the wall socket in Europe, it's WAY too much voltage and will fry your American styling tools. Your best bet is to buy a European model if you travel a lot and keep it in your travel bag or style your hair differently while away. Happy travles!:)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Change up your color!
So it's been a year... maybe 3 years since you've switched up your color... it's time for a change! If you have hi-lites, try adding another shade with the existing color. Something lighter, darker, warmer, or cooler! It will add more dimension to the overall hi-lite. If you have an all over tint how about going a shade lighter or darker. Add a little red or a little warmth. It will add a little pizazz to your usual look. Chat with your stylist about ways that you can have them tweak the formula just a wee bit! This may open the door for a bigger change!:)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Work a head band!
Head bands can be a great way to accessorize. There are so many types out there. Skinny ones, thick ones, cloth ones, plastic ones, etc. Always try them on and wear them around the store for a few min. to see if it begins pinching the sides of your head. If it's pinching it won't be much fun to wear. Head bands can be fantastic for anyone growing out bangs. Just smooth some gel over the bangs to slick back off the forehead and put your head band on. A thicker one will work fantastic for this. Try a head band with all hair styles too. Flip the hair, wear a pony tail, curl the hair... the possibilities are limitless! There are so many place to find head bands. Department stores, Drug stores, Dollar stores. They are every where if you look. Happy Head Banding!:)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Brazilian Blowout!
The Brazilian Blowout is all the craze with celebrities and women who want frizz-free, shiny and more manageable hair. It is not a waxing treatment (LOL). It is a smoothing and reconditioning treatment that adds shine, eliminates frizz, and adds nourishment to the hair. It is formaldehyde and aldehyde free. There are no harsh chemicals in this product. It is made up of a vegetable protein (keratin) and a proprietary blend of goodness. This is not a straightening system per say. Your natural wave or curl will remain to some extent. People with finer hair will get straighter results for longer but the treatment makes hair much easier to style. The greatest benefit is the manageability that it will give the hair. Your hair will have the shine, movement and anti- frizz look that airbrushed models exhibit!
The effects of the treatment last 10-12 weeks and are only guaranteed if the client uses the 4 follow up products by Acai:
#1 Acai Anti-Frizz Shampoo
#2 Acai Anti-Frizz Conditioner
#3 Acai Smoothing Serum
#4 Acai Deep Conditioning Masque.
This line of products was developed for the sole purpose of extending the life of the Brazilian Blowout. For the best results it is essential that you use these products!
The treatment takes on average 90 min. and is safe for any type of hair. Yes any! Bleached, colored, chemically straightened, etc. If you color, it is best to get your touch up and then have the Brazilian Blowout done immediately after. It will seal in your color for longer lasting results. This is phenomenal for red heads and brunettes that fade! If you can't do the Brazilian Blowout that day, do it within a few days of of your color touch-up. Just don't wash your hair until you come in for the Brazilian Blowout. If time does still not allow for you to come in that soon for your color, you must wait at least 10 days after the Brazilian Blowout to get your color touch-up.
So how much does it cost? It ranges from $350-$800. I will be charging $350 (unless someone has hair down to their butt). The products (all four) are a little less than $160. The cost is worth the time that you'll save when styling your hair and every time that you look in the mirror you will know that the Brazilian Blowout is worth the cost. This is a treatment that every head of hair can benefit from! :)
The effects of the treatment last 10-12 weeks and are only guaranteed if the client uses the 4 follow up products by Acai:
#1 Acai Anti-Frizz Shampoo
#2 Acai Anti-Frizz Conditioner
#3 Acai Smoothing Serum
#4 Acai Deep Conditioning Masque.
This line of products was developed for the sole purpose of extending the life of the Brazilian Blowout. For the best results it is essential that you use these products!
The treatment takes on average 90 min. and is safe for any type of hair. Yes any! Bleached, colored, chemically straightened, etc. If you color, it is best to get your touch up and then have the Brazilian Blowout done immediately after. It will seal in your color for longer lasting results. This is phenomenal for red heads and brunettes that fade! If you can't do the Brazilian Blowout that day, do it within a few days of of your color touch-up. Just don't wash your hair until you come in for the Brazilian Blowout. If time does still not allow for you to come in that soon for your color, you must wait at least 10 days after the Brazilian Blowout to get your color touch-up.
So how much does it cost? It ranges from $350-$800. I will be charging $350 (unless someone has hair down to their butt). The products (all four) are a little less than $160. The cost is worth the time that you'll save when styling your hair and every time that you look in the mirror you will know that the Brazilian Blowout is worth the cost. This is a treatment that every head of hair can benefit from! :)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Be honest with yourself about your budget & your time!
We all have a budget that we have to adhere to, as well as a calendar with only so many free spaces. Be honest with yourself about what time and money you can afford when thinking about a hair color and style. If you go for the super short, ash blonde hair style, can you afford to get it cut and colored every 4 weeks? If you are a busy Mom, maybe a hi-lite and a little longer cut will fit your schedule better. Then you can come in every 8 weeks. Before committing to a new look, speak with your stylist about how often you'll have to come in to maintain it and how much it will cost you. This is all part of a consultation. Know what you are getting into and you'll be happier with your choice! :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Products that do double duty!
There is nothing worse than being in the shower shaving your legs and oops, you've run out of shaving cream. Well fear not. Hair conditioner is fantastic for shaving legs! Just rub on like you would shaving cream and shave away. Your legs will be super soft! If you have loads of unused conditioner, this is a fabulous use for it! You turn around after shaving only to find your bottle of body wash is empty! No worries, use your shampoo. It's good for your scalp and it's good for your body. I've been using my hydrating shampoo on my body for months and my skin isn't as dry as it usually is this time of year. Lastly after leaving the shower you want to hydrate your skin but darn it, you forgot once again to buy more lotion. If you have a leave-in cream conditioner use it on your skin! It doesn't take much and it'll smell wonderful just like a lotion! So let those products do double duty. This is a great tip to keep in mind when traveling too! So relax and indulge in the products that you do have!:)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Men, Welcome to the Salon!
Gone are the days of gender segregation between the barber and the salon, yet some men are still apprehensive to approach a salon. Half of my clientele are men and most get color enhancement of some kind. Men want to have great looking hair, just like women. The salon is not a Woman's place. A salon is where everyone gets their hair needs met. So Men feel confident walking into a salon, we are happy to see you! There are magazines for both genders and tasty bevies. Let us give you more than a haircut. Let us give you a style!:)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Wear a hat!
Some days no matter how great the cut or color of our hair we just don't want to deal with it at all. It's cold outside and we don't want to wash it. We'd like to sleep in a little longer, instead of styling it. Have a fabulous hat to just throw on. It's also great for rides in a convertible where hair would otherwise be blowing around in the wind. Everyone DOES look great in hats. It's just a matter of finding the one that looks great on you. Go to a hat store (Santa Cruz has a fabulous one on the main drag!) and try on everything. Eventually you will find the one that makes you go "hey, I look good!". Hats scream Fashion Forward!:)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hair tip of the day: When hair is wet is it most fragile!
A few months back a friend of mine and I were staying at a very posh hotel for the night for my birthday. As we were getting ready that morning for brunch, I hear the most awful sound. Like an animal digging through gravel... no like a brush being ripped through wet hair!!!! I ran in the bathroom to where she was in front of the mirror and screamed, while my hands were on my face in horror "Noooooooo!". There she was rip, rip, ripping her brush through her delicate blonde strands. Oh the terror of it all. I now understood why she was getting breakage! All is well now. She has a big wide toothed comb that she very gently combs her wet hair with now. The moral of the story is NEVER EVER brush wet hair. Hair is most fragile when wet. It just snaps right off if tugged to roughly when wet. So please I beg of you, get a big wide toothed comb and some detangler and very gently comb your hair when wet. It will save you the heart ache of breakage and won't break my heart in the process! :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Don't fear calling for an adjustment!
While in the salon, the haircut looks amazing & then after wearing it a few days you notice that the fringe isn't laying quite right. Try as we might as stylists to make sure that every hair is cut correctly, sometimes we miss something. Please call! We want you to be happy! A quick snip, snip or a tip on styling will save you weeks of frustration. We won't be mad or bothered. We are truly happiest when you are happy! So if it's been a few days and something isn't right, pick up the phone!:)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Deciding on a cut and color!
When deciding on a cut and color DO think about what is appropriate for work. When a client comes in and wants something Avante Guarde, my first question is "what do you do for work?". A bank teller with Hot Pink streaks may not get a welcoming reception from their boss. But if those streaks are hidden under a part that can be unveiled for the weekend, it totally works! There are hidden "secrets" that can be covered during work hours and shown in all there glory on the off hours! So do think about what is appropriate for work but ask your stylist for ways to have a more edgy cut or color during the non-work hours. With a flip of a part or by putting the hair up, a pop of color or a edgy hair line can be revealed! You can have your Hot Pink and show it too!:)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Keeping static at bay!
This time of year the static runs high in the air. And that means static in the hair. The best way to keep static at bay is to use hairspray. If you don't want spray in your hair, you can spray a brush with hairspray and then brush your hair. With curly hair a leave in conditioner or spray shine will do the trick. If you want to sport a hat and not have a static laden hair when you remove it, take a dryer sheet and rub it on the inside of the hat before donning it. Thanks to my Aunt Dee for asking this question! Now go forth and have no fear of static!:)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Happy Valentine's Day!
Love is in the air! Continue to show yourself some love by treating yourself to a pampering session at the salon. Book an appointment for a Deep Conditioning treatment, a blow dry, or a style for a friends party. Do something unexpected for yourself!:)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Mens haircuts are about the whole head!
Men, when getting a haircut, it should be about the whole head. Meaning that it's about all the hair. Eyebrows should be trimmed, ear hair whisked away. If you sport a beard &/or mustache, it should be fine tuned. And all neck hair should be removed. If the haircut looks great, but other areas are left unkempt, it takes away from the overall look. Make sure that your stylist makes everything about your head look its best by taking care of all these items! You deserve a great haircut!:)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Pre-book appointments!
We all lead busy lives and time gets away from us all. That is why it's so important to pre-book appointments. I send emails to my clients letting them know when I'll be away for training or vacation. That way they aren't stuck without an appointment. If you pre-book you will get the days and times that you need and want. And you are sure to always look your best instead of being 2 months too late for a color touch-up or haircut. It just takes a little planning and you can put your mind at ease. With all that you do for everyone in your life, you owe it to yourself to have time for you as well. So pre-book, pamper yourself and always look your best! :)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Hair tip of the day: blow drying!
Most people own a blow dryer but don't really know how to use it. I suggest a blow dryer that is 1600• and ionic. Be sure to use the nozzle. This will direct the air flow. There are some tips to blow drying hair that will help the process to go faster & make it last longer. The first thing is that after washing your hair, blot out as much of the moisture as possible. Buying a micro fiber hair wrap can be quite helpful. It's a special hair towel that really sucks the excess water from porous hair. Next put in a styling product. Whether it's a volumizer or a smoothing serum, it will protect the hair from blow drying & finish off your style. Now with a paddle brush or with your fingers, blow dry hair until it feels dry. If you want to unbend cowlicks or make hair smoother, use a wrapping motion with hands or brush. Just simply use the head to wrap hair around the shape of it. Wrap hair one way and then the other on the front, back & sides. When the hair feels dry use your brush (round, paddle,vent, etc.) to smooth or add volume. A hair dryer and brush is just like a flat iron or a curling iron. It starts to work when the hair is dry. Don't wear yourself out trying to get the style in before this point. Now the hair will be for sure dry & the style will last much longer than if even a minute amount of moisture is left in the hair. If the hair still has some fluffy's, set the temperature of the dryer to cool & this will lay them down. Finish off with hair spray & a shine spray & viola! Enjoy that blow dry!:)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Buy a top-notch flatiron!
There are many different flatirons on the market and all are not created equal. There are many qualities that make a flatiron great. Here's what to look for:
1) The plates should be made to come together flatly, with no gap. There should be no gaps around the plates. The gaps could be so tiny that you don't see them, so test the iron first. If you feel your hair being pulled out or see hair in the flatiron, the plates are not set in well.
2) Ceremanic plates are best. They are smoother than metal & therefore gentler on the hair.
3) The temperature should be at least 400• and should have a heat adjuster (finer hair can use a lower temp). The heat should remain consistent. If you are swiping each strand of hair three times, it's not hot enough.
A great flatiron will cost $200-$300 but will last 10+ years. It's worth the investment!:)
1) The plates should be made to come together flatly, with no gap. There should be no gaps around the plates. The gaps could be so tiny that you don't see them, so test the iron first. If you feel your hair being pulled out or see hair in the flatiron, the plates are not set in well.
2) Ceremanic plates are best. They are smoother than metal & therefore gentler on the hair.
3) The temperature should be at least 400• and should have a heat adjuster (finer hair can use a lower temp). The heat should remain consistent. If you are swiping each strand of hair three times, it's not hot enough.
A great flatiron will cost $200-$300 but will last 10+ years. It's worth the investment!:)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Beware of the Trim!
Some people balk at the price of a good haircut. When asked what my prices are, sometimes the reply is "But it's just a trim!". There really is no such thing as a trim. A haircut is a haircut, no matter the amount taken off. It should be shaped, blown dry and then checked. Places that cut the hair into a basic shape and don't dry and check it, will most likely not grow out very well. You can tell if a cut has truly been shaped correctly if after 3 weeks it still looks good. So you can pay 1/2 the price of a great haircut and get something that in 3 weeks won't hold up or you can spend a little more and have it last you until it gets too long for the style. You are worth it!:)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Don't fear the razor!
Razor cuts when done properly can be fantastic for all types of hair. If you've had a "bad" razor cut, don't blame the razor. Chances are the stylist didn't have proper training with the tool. Most people love the effect of the razor. It can give longer hair that "Victoria's Secret" hair. Where it's flowy on the ends, not blunt. For thick hair it can soften the texture and make it lay better. For fine hair it can add more texture, creating the appearence of volume. Curls can benefit from the razor as well. It will create a more seperated curl. So give the razor a try with someone who has had proper training and you may be pleasantly surprized by the effect that it have on your hair!:)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Enhancing grey hair!
Just because you choose to wear your hair it's natural grey or white pigment, doesn't mean that it can't benefit from a little enhancement. Grey hair doesn't compliment every one's skin tone. But with a few adjustments it can. There are many options. A few well placed lo-lites can add the right amount of color to a pale complexion and give deminsion and pizazz. Someone else may benefit from a few golden hi-lites in the crown to support a layered haircut. Another option is a gloss in a soft beige or ash tone, depending on the person. Some grey hair needs no enhancement but we are not all so lucky. So don't just settle for what nature has given you. Your hair stylist can better the situation with just a few adjustments! :)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Protect your hair!
Always stow away an umbrella in your car or tote. Then when you get your hair done and an unexpected burst of rain cones, your prepared! Those plastic hair bonnets that older women wear can be quite handy as well. It's not a fashion statement but it gets the job done & can easily fit in your wallet! With a little foresight you can protect that beautiful style for your night out!:)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Bring pics with you to the stylist!
When you have an idea of a new cut or color that you'd like to try, bring pictures. Tear them out of magazines, copy them off the Internet or bring a pic of a friend. It's so much easier to show your stylist what you want. Trying to tell her can cause communication mishaps. So be on the look out for styles & colors that you like. You can even snap photos of strangers with your phone. And don't limit color examples to humans. Sometimes an animal can have the hair color we desire. Happy picture hunting!:)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Use proper hair ties!
Using the correct style of hair tie will save your hair from breakage. I recommend Blax bands. Walgreens carries a knock-off brand that is a lot cheaper. They have clear & black. They are seamless latex bands that slide out of the hair with ease. Scrunchies are a fashion no-no & any band with a metal connecter is a definate don't. That metal part will pull your hair out & cause breakage. Another option is a Ficarre clip. They are fabulous for thick or thin hair & add instant style. Please google it if you've never heard of them. If you've been using ties that are breaking your hair & you start using ones that don't, you will notice a difference in about 2 months when the hair begins growing back! Chuck the old ties & treat your hair the way it deserves to be treated!:)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Inspect your hair brushes!
When was the last time that you inspected your hair brushes? Are any of the bristles bent or broken? If they are they could be causing breakage by tearing at your hair. Just like a toothbrush needs to be frequentely replaced to be effective, so do your hair brushes. The more you use them, the more often they should be replaced. It's one of the best things you can do for your hair! Now go inspect! Toss ratty brushes & replace them with shiny new ones. Your hair will love you for it!:)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Up-do's and Party Hair!
It's always fun to do something different with our hair before a big night out. Whether it's a work function, a play or musical, a wedding, or a friends party, it's so fun to have a style. Some women really work the up-do. I have a friend that can wear her hair a million different ways and always look chic. She picks out the dress and then I design her up-do. It works on her. She wears every look with ease. Now, for myself if my hair is "done" I feel like a drag-queen. We are talking To Wong Foo With Love (ya, Patrick Swayze!!!). So for those of us that feel like when we dress up, we are wearing our Mom's too big heels, here is my advice: Let fancy hair be you but just a little more polished. If you always wear your hair down, keep it down but add a little wave or smooth it with a flat-iron. Maybe sport a pretty clip. Short hair? By using different products your stylist can create a fun look that again has just a little more "zing" than your everyday hair. Or if you are a daring sort of artsy person, wear a hair piece, a hat, or a hair accessory. The point is, that you should feel comfortable in the style that you are wearing. If you feel like you can't move or that you look like your Great Aunt Bessie, the look is way too overdone! Tone it down a bit and remember that it should be you, just a little more polished!:)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Are your shampoo and conditioner working for you?
As the seasons change and as our bodies change we need different things. Sometimes our skin is more dry than others. Have we had surgery? Have we had a baby? Are we going through the life change? The shampoo that worked for us last year or even last season may not be working any more. If you hair was long last month, the moisture shampoo and conditioner were perfect. Now your hair is short, the volumizing shampoo and conditioner might be better. The moisture shampoo may be leaving you too flat. It's winter time and you are experiencing some flakes. The daily shampoo and conditioner that usually work so well won't help that. It's time to get the scalp therapy shampoo and conditioner designed for dry scalp. There is no need to throw out the other shampoos and conditioners. Just set them aside for when needed again. Don't be afraid to switch products for the different needs of your hair throughout your life. And don't think that you have to have the moisture conditioner just because you have the moisture shampoo. If you have and oily scalp but long hair that needs more moisture, you can get the volumizing shampoo and the moisturizing conditioner. Change your products as your skin changes and you will always have super looking hair!:)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Try a new style on the weekend!
The weekend is a perfect time to experiment with new looks! You have more time to play and you don't have to feel self conscious around your co-workers. Do you always wear your hair up at work? Wear it down and curl it, or use that flat iron that is gathering dust. Try a french braid, slick your bangs back with gel, put in two pony-tails. Go wild! It's the weekend. You may find a look at you'll want to wear to work or your friends big birthday bash next month. There are plenty of videos on-line that can help you with technique. Google video of how to french braid for example. After you get that hair looking fab, call a friend or grab your honey for a night out! Remember to take photos to remind yourself how fabulous you looked!:)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Hair tip of the day: switch your part!
Clients tell me all the time "my hair only parts this way". It's true that hair does have a natural parting but it doesn't have to be parted there. By going against the natural parting the hair can have more body or a "non-part" (meaning no defined part). To break the natural part, blowdry the crown of hair by brushing hair side to side, back and forth & then make the part that you want when dry. Use a little spray if you are worried about it staying. Really, go try it now! I think you'll be surprised by the results!:)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Hair tip of the day: Don't set limitations on yourself!
I hear clients setting limits on what they can and can't do with their hair all the time. They say things like "I can't have bags", "I can never be a red-head" & "next year we have to go short because I'll be to old for long hair". Okay, these are ideas that were put in our heads by well meaning parents, hairstylists, friends & magazines. Anyone can have bangs. Yes, really! It just depends on amount, length, etc. The point is that they be personalized for the face shape & hair texture. Also, anyone can be a red-head. There are cool reds & warm reds. Reds can be dark or light. Once again it's about customizing the shade to the individual. And lastly, if one has beautiful long hair it will be beautiful at any age. Long hair can be sexy at any age if cut correctly. Turning 60 is not a good reason to go short. Some people aren't short hair people and they won't be even if a magical birthday arrives. This idea is as out-dated as not wearing white after Labor Day! Winter whites are fabulous & so is well cared for long hair on an older woman! So please, stop limiting youself based on someone elses principles & sport the look that you want! Make a change!:)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Hair tip of the day: growing out hair
Most peoples idea of growing out their hair is to let it go for a year. Yep that's the idea but it doesn't turn out well. It ends up looking unkempt the entire year and you end up with what I call "nature's haircut". Nature's haircut is when your hair gets so damaged and skinny that it breaks off. Kinda holds one back from obtaining full growth potential. Hair grows on average 1/2 an inch a month. I recommend getting the hair shaped every 2 months. By trimming 1/4 inch every 2 months, you still end up with 3/4 of an inch of growth. Trust me, it's less then nature's haircut takes off and it'll look fantastic as it grows out! And P.S., remember to deep condition weekly! Happy growing!:)
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