Hair Tips / Life Tips!

All kinds of tips for Living!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hair tip of the day: Take a break from shampooing!

Back in Medieval times Royalty bathed at birth and at death and that was it! Throughout the early to mid 1900's a weekly shampooing was the norm. Then the 80's came, shampoos got better (not such heavy detergents in them), and people were shampooing daily, if not more. There seemed to be a craze of cleanliness. Not just shampooing either... deodorants, soaps, etc. The cleaner the better! Have no dirt ever! In the last decade people are going back to shampooing less. It is okay to not shampoo everyday or even every 4 days or every week! If you have dry hair and skin, chances are that you can go quite awhile before shampooing. Hair will be more manageable, and you'll save time. Just a quick hop in the shower, a rearranging of your bedhead and you're done! Shampoo formulas are better than ever. I read an article once that said if you exercise and sweat, it dries. I thought that was a really good point! Chances are it's not stinky on your head. There aren't any armpits up on your scalp. Try giving the over zealous shampooing a break. If you shampoo more than once a day, try cutting down to once a day. If you shampoo everyday, shampoo every other day. Why over do it? Why waste time and product? So stop using the excuse that you have to wash your hair and wait a day!:)

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